Page 5 - Life in Langham 1914-1919
P. 5

A Welcome to Belgian Refugees

                                                 In 1914, Lord Lonsdale offered Barleythorpe as a

                                                 refuge for the horses, state carriages and motor

                                                 cars, plus relevant staff, of King Albert of the

                                                 Belgians. They were evacuated across the

                                                 Channel, under bombing, and by rail to Oakham.

                                                 Soon after, more refugees arrived in England

                                                 from German-occupied of Belgium.

            King Albert I of Belgium

           Here are examples of the local response:

           ▪ A committee in Oakham to provide a weekly fund.

           ▪ Loans of houses and provision of furniture.

           ▪ Money-raising activities such as:

              A Whist Drive was held in the [Langham]

              Institute on Thursday evening…,

              84 players competing… The proceeds go

              towards the Belgian Refugee Fund.

               Grantham Journal 28 Nov 1914

              THE PIG CLUB SUPPER was held in the

              Institute on Saturday evening. Mr G. Ruddle

              ably presided over a large attendance…

              Songs were contributed by [local people and]

              two Belgian guests, whose duets were

              much enjoyed….
              Grantham Journal 19 Dec 1914

              AN ORGAN RECITAL… in the [Langham]

              Parish Church…, the performers being

              Belgians. A great musical treat was afforded by

              the Belgian Court violinist…

              At the close of the recital, Mons O. Dua feelingly

              sang the Belgian National Anthem, the choir

              and congregation joining with the Russian and English National Anthems. The collection which

              was divided between the Belgian Refugees’ Fund and Church expenses realised £12….
              Grantham Journal 15 May 1915
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