Page 14 - Life in Langham 1914-1919
P. 14

Neighbours on Well Street

           Prince, Rowett, and Nourish. Three of the 'lucky' families in

           Langham whose children returned from the war.

           On one of those leaves he gave Lily an ornamental pin cushion.

           Sept 27th 1915 - Joe went to the Front.

           It would be two years before he saw Langham and Lily again but he

           kept in contact with letters and sometimes embroidered greetings cards.

           1916 - Jack came for a day.

           In May news came of the Battle of Jutland. Knowing Jack’s ship was

           involved gave the Rowett family great anxiety that he might be

           among the 6907 British dead. Joe’s cousin George

           also took part, thankfully both survived but a

           Langham boy, Sidney Stimpson, was killed.

           In August Lily’s sister Rose gave birth to a baby

           which only lived for four weeks. Rose was already ill

           and her husband Olave in the Army when she came

           from Kent to her parents in Langham with Roy, her

           three year old son.

           There are no entries in Lily’s diary for several

           months. It was a difficult time with memorial

           services for village lads, anxiety about her brothers,                                                              Rose & Roy

           brothers-in-law, and sweetheart Joe, as well as

                                                                             Rose’s illness.

                                                                             Martha (Belgian) sent Lily an

                                                                             embroidered card from

                                                                             Fecamp at Christmas.

                                                                             In January 1917 Rose died and is

                                                                             buried at Langham. Roy continued

                                                                             to live with his grandparents until

                                                                             his father was de-mobbed at the

           end of the war.

           April - Olave came for a few days leave.

           May 30th - Tom Rowett came for one night and again with his wife

           and baby for a week at the end of June. Agnes and her children

           were in Langham from the middle of June so on the 28th they all

           had tea together and a happy evening.

           July 12th - Went to Brandon [to Agnes] with Mother and Roy, came home 21st.

           July 24th - Went to Grantham [to Joe’s sister] stayed the night, came in from holiday 26th.
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